Final design of Chupa creature. Background is done by  Michael Kutsche.

Final design of Chupa creature. Background is done by Michael Kutsche.

Final design of adult Chupacabra. Background is done by  Michael Kutsche.

Final design of adult Chupacabra. Background is done by Michael Kutsche.

At the design stage I've done many tests of the creature interacting with various objects and performing differnt actions like hanging, sitting, lying down.

Production model for adult chupacabras was done by Alexandra Papouchina

Production model for adult chupacabras was done by Alexandra Papouchina

close to final version with more feather heavy design

close to final version with more feather heavy design

I had a pleasure of working on the design and production model of this cute creature for the movie Chupa. It's rare that I get to design something so cute :) I also designed the adult Chupacabras. It was a fun project and it was a great experience working with Jonás Cuarón and his team. The creature shots took pretty much the entirety of the movie, so shout out to MPC Toronto and their amazing team for bringing this creature to life!